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Finding Neverland & Photo Shoot

Hello 'errrybody!! I want to start today with the classic, motherly, "I TOLD YOU SO" moment from my Mother. Upon moving in, my Mom and Uncle took me grocery shopping at Trader Joes, and I bought raw chicken to cook. My Uncle and Mom both told me to freeze it and/or pitch it because cooking it would stink up my small apartment. I froze it and didn't think much of it. Last night, I marinated it and decided I would have it for dinner tonight. MAN WAS SHE RIGHT!! It was so smoky because the marinade burned in the pan, causing the whole place to smoke and smell. SO what did Skyler do? She marched her way to Duane Reade, and bought 2X strength odor eliminator. On top of that, I stuffed dryer sheets into my AC unit. My apartment now smells like clean linen and grilled chicken. I am a mess. I hope this smell goes away!!!!!!! I'm so particular about my scents to begin with. P A N I C K !!!!!! A T T A C K.

Today, Kathryn and I saw the musical, "Finding Neverland". This musical is about the man who wrote Peter Pan. It was AMAZING. I do have to say I liked it more than Jersey boys because it had a lot more singing and dancing than the other show. Since I was in the theater, I have a huge soft spot for musicals. I am not a huge Peter Pan fan to boot. However, you don't need to be to love this musical. It was filled with many emotional moments, and the story line was compelling. I encourage all to see this. We got last minute, "rush" tickets for $37, and landed in the upper balcony, row B. The seats were incredible!!!!! It was fantastic. 5/5 stars from me!

Now, let's talk about the other amazing part of my day. A professional photographer, Jamie Levine, spends a lot of his time around Kleinfeld photographing the dresses to show the bride what the dress looks like in pictures, and getting to know the brides in general. He is an extremely talented wedding photographer. He kindly took complimentary pictures of the staff and interns for fun, and to help spread his name around. He sent me my picture today, and also extended me the invitation to work with him tonight on an engagement shoot as an assistant!! I immediately said yes! It was just us two working together with the couple! I held his handheld flash for him, and his camera bag, (so switching out lenses wasn't time consuming or a hassle). It was SO fun seeing first hand how engagement pictures are done! There was a lot of kissing, gazing, smiling, and I can't forget the laughs! The couple worked really well with the camera. Jamie also told me he wants to take me to an actual wedding to help him shoot because we worked so well together! It was truly an honor he chose me to help assist. It was a great experience.

Short and sweet today! I am currently sitting here raging over the smell of my place. Take away message from this blog post:

1. Opportunities come so unexpectedly

2. Take any...literally any....opportunity that comes your way

3. Listen to your Mom about cooking in a low ventilated area and just buy dinner, (or cook something that DOESN'T smoke or need grilled on a stove).



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